What We Do
Dedicated to providing clinical services referrals, education, and training using state-of-the-art cognitive and behavioral therapies, the Boulder Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (BCCBT) is a network of highly skilled, licensed therapists. A unique collaboration of experienced professionals, BCCBT partners, Alisha Brosse, PhD (founding partner) and Monika Hauser, PhD (partner) maintain their own independent practices while combining their professional expertise to offer groups, supervision and consultation services, workshops, and a common triage line. Designed to provide direct access to the most effective, evidence-based psychological treatments, this triage line is answered by BCCBT partners or their trainee therapists, who refer clients to the therapist and treatment protocol best suited to the client’s needs. This could be one of the BCCBT partners, one of our BCCBT therapists, one of our affiliates, or another therapist who would be the best fit for what you are looking for. Please call us at 303/225-2709 or contact us via email.