Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi) Training

BCCBT partner Dr. Alisha Brosse trains practitioners in an ACT-enhanced version of CBTi in both individual and group formats, in person and on-line. This treatment is described in the workbook she co-authored, End the Insomnia Struggle: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help you Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep (New Harbinger Publications, 2016). In addition to the offerings listed below, Dr. Brosse consults with a sleep disorders clinic, previously providing CBTi to their patients, and currently providing training to their medical staff.

On-Demand Video-Based CBTi Training

This is a pre-recorded version of a 3-session workshop, including 3 lectures and 3 Q&A sessions with prior participants. You will learn the basic elements of a 6-session cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBTi) protocol, including assessment, psychoeducation, behavioral strategies (e.g., stimulus control and sleep restriction), and cognitive strategies (e.g., cognitive restructuring and designated worry time). You also will learn how to incorporate principles and strategies from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (e.g., mindfulness, acceptance, and cognitive defusion) to optimize adherence to, and the effectiveness of, CBTi. The recordings include a mix of lecture, case examples, discussion and role plays. You will be strongly encouraged to engage in deliberate practice after watching each session to facilitate implementation.

What you’ll receive: Access to 6 hours of recorded lectures and Q&A sessions; pdf files of treatment handouts and additional resources; access to a free monthly consultation group.

When: Watch on your own time, when it most suits you, over the 6-week period following purchase. (The video links will expire 6 weeks after you receive them.)

Cost: $150 professionals / $75 students currently enrolled in a graduate program.

How to purchase: Submit the registration form below. You will then receive an invoice via Square. Once the invoice is paid you will receive an email with the course materials. (Note: to pay the student fee, submit the form and also send an email with proof of current enrollment, such as a current official course schedule.)

Technology Notes: You will need high-speed internet to stream the videos on Vimeo. Visual aids are an important part of the learning experience; please be prepared to watch, not just listen to, the lectures (i.e., don’t expect to listen while you drive or similarly multitask).

Intended Audience: Health practitioners (therapists, nurses, physicians, physician assistants) and trainees who want to provide their patients with something more than sleep hygiene instructions.

CEs: CEs are not currently available for this course.

CBTi Self-Study

To learn our hybrid CBT-ACT approach to insomnia you can use our workbook, End the Insomnia Struggle: A Step-byStep Gide to Help You Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep, in conjunction with the bonus chapter for clinicians that is available on the New Harbinger website for this book.

CBTi Consultation Group

Dr. Brosse offers a monthly consultation group for professionals who have completed one of her workshops or can demonstrate equivalent knowledge gained via self-study. The group meets via video on the second Monday of each month. To inquire, email with tthe subject line "CBTi Consult Group."

To register for the On-Demand Video-Based CBTi course, complete this form: