BCCBT Affiliates
In addition to our own team, BCCBT is building a network of affiliates along the Front Range who hold similar values in regards to the practice and dissemination of evidence-based psychosocial treatments. Affiliates maintain their own independent practices. To learn more about our affiliate network, send us an email, or fill out the affiliate request below.
Aviva Bass-Huh, Psy.D.
Jedediah M. Bopp, Ph.D.
Faith Brozovich, Ph.D.
Arnica Buckner, Ph.D.
Caley Cuneo, Ph.D.
Lauren Goldsmith Ph.D.
Anna Gilmour, Ph.D.
Christina Graham, Ph.D.
Samantha M. Grigsby, Ph.D.
& Foothills CBT
Laura Hink, Ph.D.
Chelsea Kilimnik, Ph.D.
Lauren Landy, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Lemon, Ph.D.
Bennett Leslie, Psy.D.
Meg McKelvie, Ph.D.
Valerie Stone, Ph.D.
Samantha Strife, Ph.D.
Lacey Taylor, Ph.D.
Brooks Witter, M.A., LPC
Affiliation with BCCBT is by invitation only. If you think it might be a good fit to become an affiliate with us, please click on the link below and fill out the affiliate network request. We are looking forward to hearing from you.